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> Protests for genocide are allowed

What does this even mean? Protests against a genocide would obviously be allowed, but what is “protest for genocide”? Protest in support of genocide? If yes, then i don’t see how it makes any sense at all.

> what is “protest for genocide”?

Calls for "the river to the sea" and "globalize the intifada". They are allowed.

I don’t think that’s what the issue with those slogans is.

People aren’t debating whether “protesting for genocide” is ok or not. I think an overwhelming majority would agree that public demonstrations calling for genocide support aren’t ok.

What people are actually debating is whether those two slogans would count as calls for genocide, which is the real point of contention. If they don’t count as calls for genocide, then they are fine. But if they count, that would definitely not be appropriate at all.

No, people are debating whether protesting for genocide is ok. I agree with the uni presidents, they agree the slogans are calls for genocide but admit they are allowed to be protested for as long as individuals arent being targeted. Nazi rallys also allowed. White nationalist rallys also allowed.

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