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> The Biden admin is proposing AI regulation that will protect large companies from competition

Mostly, the Biden Administration is proposing a bunch of studies by different agencies of different areas, and some authorities for the government to take action regarding AI in some security-related areas. The concrete regulation mostly is envisioned to be drafted based on the studies, and the idea that it will be incumbent protective is mostly based on the fact that certain incumbents have been pretty nakedly tying safety concerns to proposals to pull up the ladder behind themselves. But the Administration is, at a minimum, resisting the lure of relying on those incumbents presentation of the facts and alternatives out of the gate, and also taking a more expansive view of safety and related concerns than the incumbents are proposing (expressly factoring in some of the issues that they have used "safety" concerns to distract from), so I think prejudging the orientation of the regulatory proposals that will follow on the study directives is premature.

What I have heard from people I know in the industry is that the proposal they are talking about now is to restrict all models over 20 billion parameters. This arbitrary rule would be a massive moat to the few companies that have these models already.

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