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Blind Streamer Rattlehead Explains How He Plays Pro Mortal Kombat (thegamer.com)
11 points by wslh 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Fighting games have numerous sound effects because it's faster to react by sound than by sight.

Seriously. It's one way to get an edge vs your opponent. Try it in your next training routine.


I've never expected anyone to truly play blind like this guy, but I can believe its possible with the right game. (I know almost nothing about Moral Kombat, so I wouldn't know what the sound-cues are).

But if you aren't using your ears in these games, you're playing maybe... 50ms to 80ms slower than the opponent. IIRC, visual reaction speeds are ~200ms, while audio reaction speeds are ~130ms. So its a pretty substantial benefit. Or to put it into "Frame data" terms... people reacting by ear are 3-frames faster than those who react by eyes.

Makes me want to build an FPS games from the ground up with only audio and no video!

Does he main Kenshi?

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