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I find the greasemonkey script that cross-references our public library network (for books!) much more awesome and useful.

Here it is: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/8432

A very minor tweak allows me to use it for Boston.

Book Burro


Finds item at both online stores and numerous libraries, including my local ones.

Wow! This is impressive, thanks.

Care to share the 'minor tweak' to use it on Massachusetts' Minuteman Library Network?

Change libraryUrlPattern (first line in the function) in the script to the Minuteman Library Network's Catalog.*

For the Metro-Boston library, it is

var libraryUrlPattern = 'http://catalog.mbln.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=.BN&term='

*-To edit the script after installation, open it using the Greasemonkey icon in your browser. Click on 'Manage scripts' to open scripts in an editor.

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