The only thing I had problems with (only caring about current versions of Chrome, Fx and Safari) was drop-shadows. Though I guess I am not using particularly advanced SVG features. What made it feel advanced and cool for me is how much I could do with css variables and transitions blended into it.
Though, the mixing of CSS and SVG is also weird.
> In addition to setting attributes on objects, you can also use CSS to style fills and strokes. Not all attributes can be set via CSS. Attributes that deal with painting and filling are usually available, so fill, stroke, stroke-dasharray, etc. can all be set this way, in addition to the gradient and pattern versions of those shown below. Attributes like width, height, or <path> commands cannot be set through CSS. It's easiest just to test and find out what is available and what isn't.
> Note: The SVG specification decides strictly between attributes that are properties and other attributes. The former can be modified with CSS, the latter not.