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Ok, but how can I use this practically in my day to day?

Time mirrors are useful to know if youll cut yourself shaving tomorrow.

(This is not an endorsement of Future Mirrors Inc.)

Highly recommend the Ƒπ Model -- doesn't require the UltraGalaxy Subscription and supports the Gigaflib connector.

Careful with the Gigaflib connector. I used it and it blew up tomorrow.

lucky you, mine blew up over a decade ago, nonetheless it's still brand new!!

i saw that yesterday!

One could use it to make their day to day life less petty and boring by expanding their knowledge and their intellectual horizons, and thinking about beyond the limited necessities or niceties of their "day to day life".

Can't tell if you're trolling. Surely you've heard of the concept where people look into stuff before realising it's something we can practically use today? Like, before electricity was discovered, nobody could possibly have known the force existed, let alone what they could use it for and this whether/how useful it was going to be

Among the first reasons for getting electricity was light. It took many centuries to go from "huh, this metal behaves odd when I put it in a jar of acid" (around the year 200) to light bulbs being invented to them making it into your day-to-day life around the year 1880 (if you were a rich person in the right country)

You shouldn't wear your ignorance with such pride.

you should learn how to do humilty

They perhaps already do - and know that now this isn't the right comment to practice it on.

Only time will tell

That's worth reflecting on.

If you have to ask....

... then?

Based on https://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/if-you-have-to-as... maybe you meant "you'll never know / I'm not going to tell you" (doesn't sound very nice) or "you've answered it" (umm, how?)

It was reference to luxury shops stocking items without a price: “if you have to ask, then you can’t afford it.”

Most likely what they meant is that this is a development that only has “daily life” implications for those who work in theoretical physics as their day job.

Hence: if you have to ask, then this has no “daily life” implication for you.

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