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"You made a list of things that you supposedly gain by sacrificing performance" - I did no such thing.

I said: "I really appreciate that point of view, especially when I have to optimize something that wasn't considering performance at all. One really does need to architect software with an eye to how it performs from the very beginning"

Clearly I'm saying you HAVE TO include performance concerns from the very beginning.

and "I'd LOVE a world where we elevated the concern for performance higher than it is now, but there's a range of other considerations that include ..."

So performance IS IMPORTANT, as well as a host of other concerns. Where did I advocate for "sacrificing performance"?

You said "Surely you should now be able to demonstrate that decent performance is none of the things in your list.". First off, that's not even good grammar, and it's not clear what you're asking for. "Decent performance" was baked in to the paragraphs of text proceeding the list.

"I want to see a real measured study that backs up your host of claims" - what claims? That we have a variety of tradeoffs to make besides just performance? That isn't a "claim", it's just the truth. It's called business. And I certainly don't have to prove anything to someone as off-putting as you.

Feigning ignorance when called out on your nonsense.

I see the mindset of the excuse parade has not changed in a couple years.

“I didn’t make any claims, I only stated that you have to trade away performance to get maintainability and readability. Where are the claims?! Definitely not the claim that performance and readability and maintainability trade off for sure. What claims?!”

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