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NFL Reveals Ultra-Rare Lens It Uses to Capture Cinema-Style Shots (petapixel.com)
32 points by PaulHoule 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I remember reading that at one point the NFL was Kodak's biggest client for 16mm film. Back when that was the format for recording the games.

This is such a cool piece of gear, I had no idea it was quite so limited in quantity though. Like the IMAX camera of lenses.


You might not personally enjoy American football, but if you find it boring I have to wonder if perhaps you don't have a full grasp of the game? Would you not agree that a game like this is ideal in terms of what can be done with photography, videography and storytelling? I think about the well-known picture of Chuck Bednarik standing over Frank Gifford, or the limited video from the Ice Bowl and can only wonder what those shots might have looked like with better equipment.

> Would you not agree that a game like this is ideal in terms of what can be done with photography, videography and storytelling?

Nope, that would have to be boxing—just go watch Raging Bull, Rocky or Muhammad Ali dancing in the ring.

Porque no los dos? Hagler vs Hearns with modern video equipment would be even more mind-blowing. My point above was simply that why denigrate American Football, when really any of these high-action sports would likely benefit from advances in video?

Agree, but the only thing more boring than American Football would be regular football. Hours of game play with maybe 2 goals is such a drag.

A game of soccer lasts 90 minutes regulation time.

And that is active playing time, not just standing around and waiting things to happen...

Plus a 15 minute half time plus stoppage time.

Did you watch the video? Didn’t seem very boring to me.

If anything the lens seems ideal for the long pass touchdown in American football - one of its most exciting plays.

Anyway, if you can think of another $10+ billion per year industry that could use the lens, I’m all ears.

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