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When I say a class 100 cleanroom is a 'basic' facility, I mean it's one you'll find at any decent research university in the US, and it is. If there's something that can be reasonably expected to be required for cutting edge research, you'll find it. As for lab access, my experience is in CS. I was granted access to a globally ranked supercomputing system paired alongside a paired largescale audio-visual facility. The only requirements for access were to be whitelisted (involved in research) and registered. After that of course you needed to slot/reserve time, but it was otherwise freely and unconditionally available.

It's difficult to really explain how much money is spent in top US universities. It's as if there's a fear that revenues might manage to exceed costs. But one of the practical benefits of this is that bleeding edge hardware and supplies, at costs far greater than anything you've listed, is widely and readily available.

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