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This article has platinum ore at 50oz/ton, or 1,400 PPM. Do you have a source for your claim that it is in fact one third of one percent of the stated value? https://technology.matthey.com/article/7/4/136-143/

Edit: I see now that it is in fact 1,400 PPM of some intermediary matte, not raw ore. Th matte/ore ratio is not stated. But that matte is nickel/copper rich, and the platinum is in some sense a impurity in the existing ore that would likely be mined for its other metals anyways.

Even still: not all ore is equal. Platinum mining is a heavily industrialized process where machines do the hard labor, cobalt is child labor camps digging.

Of course LFP batteries, like in most Model 3s, are Cobalt free. It's not like electric car manufacturers aren't trying to improve things.

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