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I remember reading a very well written article on stuxnet, detailing the entire way it worked. It was written in a very story-like way that built slowly until it revealed what the actual payload and impact was. Does anyone have a link to this article?

The book about it is a great read although I think it could have used a lot more editing. Chapters approach the timeline from different angles and as a result it does feel like later chapters are going over the same material too many times. Anyhow, you can read part of it here: https://www.wired.com/2014/11/countdown-to-zero-day-stuxnet/

This Quora answer isn't article length but follows a similar story-like narrative and is well written imo. I remember reading this before I was working in tech and was amazed at how somebody(ies) came up with this

(Can't link direct URL as work filter doesn't allow Quora!)


The Symantec dossier [1] is a great read.

[1]: https://docs.broadcom.com/doc/security-response-w32-stuxnet-...

Most likely this. I vividly remember reading this the first time I had heard about STUXNET.


edit: someone beat me to it, I just didn't notice since it wasn't a direct link: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38518286

I also remember reading something like that. Sorry that I can't help locate it.

Edit: Maybe it isn't what I wanted, but this article was good.


The Perfect Weapon by David Sanger.

Everything Sanger knows about Stuxnet he borrowed from Kim Zetter without attribution.

Goes double for Alex Gibney

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