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Inércia 2023 (celso.io)
101 points by todsacerdoti 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 31 comments

oh, wow, Hacker News. Inércia 2023 was raw and pure; I loved it. My post is just a tiny POV fragment of many other things that were going on there. I hope the team organizes Inércia 2024 because I'm already dusting off my 6510 assembly skills to work on a demo for next year.

It's really cool you keep doing all this stuff. I think the most fun moments I had with code and electronics were the several hackathons I participated in both in Codebits and pixels.camp. I had never heard about Inércia before, thanks for sharing!

You should come next year!

Celso, on the topic of organizing events and building community, please bring back Codebits v3! Miss those unique vibes!

I hear this so much, sometimes in the most unexpected situations, and it's heart-warming. One day, I was having lunch with the family in a remote place in a restaurant in Serra da Estrela, and a random folk came to the table just to tell me how Codebits had shaped his life. I think I shed a tear righ there.

Anyway, yes, we have to find a comeback angle someday.

This makes me so happy to read! I'd donate and definitely travel to Portugal specifically just to attend (as I did with the last ones when I had already moved away). Codebits also shaped my life, got me my first job, new friends, etc, so here's a +1. I think there's at least a good few hundreds of people with the same story :)

There's a direct line from Codebits to Cloudflare opening an office in Lisbon to me typing this in Lisbon.

Sending you on a train to nowhere in deep Douro wasn't enough to prevent you from returning.

That one is missing from my Celsada collection. Will we ever get the juicy details?

Codebits was pure fun. I cherish those memories fondly!

It was great to have you there, thank you!

Almost as if bridging from codebits/pixelscamp :)

Definitely a lot of Codebits first edition vibes!

Just with less Segways races and Android beta SDK experiments. :)

Less Second Life too :)

Now I feel very, very annoyed. I've been wanting to go for many, many years to any Demoscene vent. Moved to Portugal and was excited about it... googled, found that Inércia and Momentum were a thing or something, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find any news about it, it seemed dead, the site last update was from 2022.

So I was resigned I would have to go to some other country, then I find out Inércia actually happened this year... yesterday :(

My exact feelings... It seems like some nice events are happening around, but I have trouble keeping myself in the loop.

I tried to use Meetup and find events, but I didn't have good luck filtering off events (especially ones happening in months or even weeks).

For demoscene events, check https://www.demoparty.net

They are announced well in advance.

Best way to stay in the loop is to join their Discord server: https://discord.gg/A4z4ccJCep

I don’t use Discord much, but it seems like a terrible way to “stay in the loop.” Am I wrong that you would need to either 1) receive a lot of notifications from irrelevant conversations, 2) spend some time making fine-grained choices about which discussions to receive notifications from, or 3) turn off notifications and instead remember to occasionally manually check up on what’s going on?

It seems like a great tool for active communities but when I just want to be notified that I can get tickets to an upcoming event, I’d really like to be able to sign up for that, not for a whole chat server.

I think you're wrong to expect community outreach and low-effort involvement from a demoscene event.

> It seems like a great tool for active communities

Yes. And to a degree, those who are not active are not needed or wanted at every single event. A little gatekeeping preserves communities for far longer than gates-wide-open does (speaking from experience). Having said that, the barrier is still immensely low - if you care then go on the discord and check every few weeks. Seems like a small ask...

>check every few weeks

That means scrolling up through weeks of general discussions to find the one morsel of information you need. I am on community discords. I do not want to be on community discords. Please, just publish the absolute minimum information on a webpage. Discord has a broken search and no permanence outside its servers, it's worse than even the most barebones mail group. All I ask for is to copy any announcement you make on the Discord to your webpage.

A community that's only on Discord is not a community, it's a group of friends chatting with each other.

Most servers have something like an announcements channel. Muting everything but that is the equivalent of subscribing to an events / other big news mailing list for (Discord-centric) communities, these days. You'll only get notifications for that, and can still engage with muted channels on a pull basis whenever you want.

Another good dependable source of demoscene events is https://www.demoparty.net/

You can be pretty sure that every demoparty will be listed there, as well as many demoscene adjacent events.

Inércia is still going on?!?

Last time I remember about it was when there were all those discussions on a Portuguese forum, when there were some plans to create a game development school in Portalegre, a looong time ago.

Great news, congratulations to those that keep going at it.

Imho, there should be a real Museum of Conference Badges some day, where those of us who are appalled at the idea of not having every badge from these elite conferences in our possession .. can go, and drool.

Seriously, there has to be a lot of potential in the conference badge scene that is yet to be mined ...

100% agree. Elect Afonso Muralha for its curator.

Sounds like fun!

What is the language of the event? I have a Brazilian friend who would totally have loved this (he speaks both English and Portuguese so I'm sure he would happily participate either way; I'm just curious).

Almost all of it was in English from what I saw on stream.

Demoscene is life.

Awesome party! Major kudos to the organisers and thanks to everyone who attended and participated, brilliant work!

Glad to see Celso still hacking

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