Of course it’s a matter of convention. But it’s a convention without which the rest of mathematics taught to school children throughout the world falls apart.
Calling the color of the sky blue is just a matter of convention as well, but if one random teacher starts calling it green, she’s doing a terrible disservice to her students. It doesn’t matter that there exists some languages without a difference between blue and green.
What is the application for 1/0 = 0? Where is this used? Does it actually make a meaningful appearance outside of drunken barroom conversations, and classrooms staffed by clowns?
If you know more than others, that's great, but in that case the thing to do is to share some of what you know, so others can learn. If you don't want to do that, that's fine, but in that case please don't post. Putdowns and swipes only degrade the discussion.
Except that for all other numbers we have 1/x * x = 1, while 0*0 = 0. Defining division by zero this way breaks existing rules.