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My symptoms started along with my jaw crackling. So it seems they are related.

Putting my symptoms here:

- Constant noise in ear

- Also seems like noise / tingling sensation in the brain

- Is higher just when I wake up

- Started along with an infection that went to the ear. Infection cleared up. Tinnitus didn't.

- Been on for a year and a half.

- Its terribly unbearable. Not suicidal level but very close to it.

> - Its terribly unbearable. Not suicidal level but very close to it.

I feel that, it sucks. For me it started with like a "blocked" feeling, now I'm at the point where it's constant static which makes it impossible to sleep on my side, sometimes my left ear goes "deaf" momentarily and a sharp ring starts and it makes me "zone out" but ends after 15-30s

It's living hell.

I have the same shit, it sucks.

I bet you have a tongue tie. Go get a frenectomy. Do tongue stretches. Get some facial massages.

mind elaborating more? I also have horrible sleep apnea that is related to a lazy tongue

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