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This will probably just hurt innocent people and people playing by the books. I'm a member in a small public Facebook group that gets a handful of full graphic sexual images posted daily by spam bots. If Facebook can't stop so blatant rulebreaking, how are they supposed to stop AI and deepfakes? Granted, it's easier to stop something when it's banned.

If I am reading this correctly then I think it is simply preventing the companies that buy ads on Meta from using Meta’s own generative AI features to make certain types of ads. It’s not really feasible to accurately block AI generated content anymore with good accuracy afaik.

I don't think it will hurt anyone, people will just use OpenAI or whatever other service instead of a Facebook-provided one. They are just ensuring they can muddy the waters when there is eventual blowback.

Pretty sure group type can be changed from public to private or even totally hidden - perhaps people in charge should consider tweaking visibility for a while.

True, from what I can tell, Meta is more interested in moderating different political views, than it is moderating child pornography.

I fail to see how this will “hurt” innocent people. People using ai to mislead others are not innocent. Meta should ban fake use profiles. Criminals are already leveraging procedurally generated images to milk incels of their money with fake profiles. Soon politicians and their simps will too. Ban them all.

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