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At the time I hadn't, but now I've used the sample image (the one with the fox in the bottle in the snow) to load up the workflow with sdturboscheduler, and it's still about the same time.

Edit: Even thought the UI says sdxl turbo, I notice that the command prompt is saying sdxl.

  got prompt
  Requested to load SDXLClipModel
  Loading 1 new model
  Requested to load SDXL
  Loading 1 new model
  100%|| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 11.30it/s]
  Requested to load AutoencoderKL
  Loading 1 new model
  Prompt executed in 4.04 seconds
  gc collect
Edit 2: More info... I noticed that if I just change the steps, it takes less than a second to generate an image. If I just change the prompt, it takes 3+ seconds. I don't know enough about this to know what that means.

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