Quite Frankly, I don't get what the big deal is in signing an NDA. If you believe the idea is in the public domain or the person with the idea can't execute, whats the big deal? The paper is basically worthless in both instances.
Not wanting to sign an NDA is probably more about the way it makes you feel that someone thought of something so good they wont share without legal protection. The feeling that this guy thinks he is SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU that you must sign a contract for permission for him to show you up with his latest spark of genius.
This is about ego, about flexing muscles and seeing who can best the next bloke.
Bottom line, I most likely wont ever ask you to sign an NDA and probably wont sign yours either, but lets be honest, it is about how you make me feel, not about protecting you or me.
If the person can't execute the idea, you're still legally bound not to disclose it yourself, which renders you legally liable. Later, you may be sued because you pursue something superficially similar and the other party believes they have grounds because you signed an NDA.
I'd be fascinated to learn of one such experience. I'm not saying it cant happen, I am just saying, people demanding to or not wanting to sign NDA's over sharing just ideas revolves much more around ego than it does around practicality.
Not wanting to sign an NDA is probably more about the way it makes you feel that someone thought of something so good they wont share without legal protection. The feeling that this guy thinks he is SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU that you must sign a contract for permission for him to show you up with his latest spark of genius.
This is about ego, about flexing muscles and seeing who can best the next bloke.
Bottom line, I most likely wont ever ask you to sign an NDA and probably wont sign yours either, but lets be honest, it is about how you make me feel, not about protecting you or me.