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> The idea that if Palestinian was "free" would end the violence is a naive one, not would it result in freedom for the Palestinian people, it would instead be just another Authoritarian Theocracy in the same vein as Iran...

So we should forever oppress these people? Or what exactly is your solution here?

Here you would have to define what you believe oppression is because of late I don't believe that everyone agrees on what that term means anymore.

For example do you believe the American occupation of Afghanistan was oppressing the people of Afghanistan do you believe employing democracy and allowing women to get an education and not be property at the hands of the Taliban is oppression

Do you believe the people of Afghanistan are better off today than they were with American military occupying the country

I find allowing an authoritarian theocratic government to reign in a region to be oppressive even if it is supported by the majority of the citizenry of that region

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