Really, the demo scene, which started out in the 80's, was using Watcom C++? Watch the behind scenes video of Second Reality (1993). They're coding Pascal and (duh) assembly.
The demoscene was really born out of cracks/intros/loaders which means its origins are C64/Apple/Atari etc and assembly language.
I'm not arguing the existence of Watcom C++ 9.5/386 :) But let's be clear the first version of Watcom C++ was released in 1993. To suggest the demoscene started there is ludicrous.
yeps. almost correct. scene started with c64. pc scene / first demo came out from future crew : second reality. also in 1996, smash designs created second reality 100% same fx via C64 (:
The demoscene was really born out of cracks/intros/loaders which means its origins are C64/Apple/Atari etc and assembly language.