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The internet has gone past the stage of enshittification.

Everyone knows, or intuits, that the game is up. This is the end game, the Shit Squeeze, where the last drops of goodness are wrung by force from what once was something exciting... and the flames are being fanned by generative AI.

The game has been up for a while, this just takes into hyper-drive.

But don't forget, you _can_ opt out of this corporate and consumerist side of the internet. It's over when you're convinced that you cannot do so.

For me personally, this has made it easier to step away from places on the internet that had already started to go down the drain. It's as if the shitty part of internet finally consumes itself out of existence.

Instead, I now follow small personal blogs and niche forums where this is not an issue. Just people posting because they still believe in sharing and connecting, despite of generative AI.

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