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At the end of article..

However, the champagne corks won't be popping at CSC just yet. If the Epic experience is anything to go by – the decision was appealed – there will likely be legal twists and turns aplenty before payments are made and the case is closed.

6 days ago: TCS will be making a balance provision of $125 million in the December quarter of FY24, after the US Supreme Court rejected the company's plea in a matter pertaining to EPIC Systems Corporation.


I'm surprised the US Supreme Court is hearing cases filed against or by TCS.

They didn’t hear it, and therefore the lower court’s decision remains in place. That’s what this means:

> the United States Supreme Court on November 20, 2023 rejected the Company’s petition to file an appeal against the orders passed by the US Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit

TCS conducts business in the US, so it is subject to US courts.

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