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Yeah, I also tend to bring up iCloud Notes in a browser tab. It’s still far from perfect, since Notes is usually an offline-first app, which you miss out on here.

I’ve been looking for a replacement, but nothing really gives you

- Offline-first usage

- Sync changes via CRDT

- Fast startup time

- Rich text support

- iOS and desktop linux support

I have been using Joplin for longer notes, which provides good sync, offline-first, and good platform support. It's Janky but for writing out post drafts the sync has been super good for me. It lets me finish typing out a thing on my phone in a pinch, no futzing around with roam necessary.

For tiny notes I've been using.... facebook messenger chat to myself. Say what you will about Meta, at least their stuff mostly works.

I still feel for you. I really want to commission some software that feels good to use on Linux ("feels good" in the real sense, not in the GNOME sense)

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