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Is it able to run Xcode? I’ve been trying to do some iOS development on Linux and so far my solution has been to use DockerOSX… but this sounds much more convenient.

Nice, but all those already run on Linux.

I think it still could be useful to build ios apps and upload them if that's possible in the command line.

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I've done enough app uploads to know it's also half broken on a real Mac, so I would not worry about that.

Since when?

Everything on that list except XCode has a Linux version.

So the big thing is that you can use the command line xcbuild and also often need access to the asset bundlers (which are not open source).

That's actually useful. I need the asset bundlers so I can build for MacOS without having a Mac. I already build Rust programs for Linux and Windows on Linux.

Oh wow, it actually works.. That's awesome for a CI runner

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