> Programming is still a craft, not engineering, or manufacturing.
Programming can be engineering if you know how to do it. Engineering is, in a nutshell, a set of principles you learn and apply, and never deviate from, in work and life. Engineers always deliver the highest quality.
Craftspersons do not know these engineering principles, or they disregard them. They invariably deliver faster than engineers, and their output is always simpler and of lower quality.
In "The Rise of Worse is Better" [0], an engineer (from MIT) debates with a craftsman (from Berkeley). The Berkeley guy cheerfully admits he is disregarding an engineering principle (correctness), and that's why "the MIT guy did not like this solution because it was not the right thing".
Engineers deliver a cheaper product that still meets some known set of requirements with whatever safety margin.
The quality is as good as the requirements dictate.
A big reason why software is largely not engineering is because nobody knows wtf the requirements actually are, and the dependency stack is unknowably large
It's true that engineering principles are not usually applied in the software field, but if quality is the most important requirement, they are indispensable.
what are the engineering principles of software? does team A agree with team B what they are? is there alignment between academia and industry? Electrical engineering has Maxwells Laws and math. What is the math of software? Do teams A and B agree?
The best book about the application of engineering principles to software is SICP
Abelson and Sussman wrote SICP to illustrate the principles. Everything else in SICP is some means to that end.
They reveal that SICP is about engineering in the Preface to the First Edition:
> The techniques we teach and draw upon are common to all of engineering design. We control complexity by building abstractions that hide details when appropriate. We control complexity by establishing conventional interfaces that enable us to construct systems by combining standard, well-understood pieces in a "mix and match" way. We control complexity by establishing new languages for describing a design, each of which emphasizes particular aspects of the design and deemphasizes others.
Engineering is about applying repeatable processes to achieve a specified result. Suitable analysis is performed before starting on the final work product to ensure the results are achievable. No process, no specification, and no analysis means no engineering.
Programming can be engineering if you know how to do it. Engineering is, in a nutshell, a set of principles you learn and apply, and never deviate from, in work and life. Engineers always deliver the highest quality.
Craftspersons do not know these engineering principles, or they disregard them. They invariably deliver faster than engineers, and their output is always simpler and of lower quality.
In "The Rise of Worse is Better" [0], an engineer (from MIT) debates with a craftsman (from Berkeley). The Berkeley guy cheerfully admits he is disregarding an engineering principle (correctness), and that's why "the MIT guy did not like this solution because it was not the right thing".
[0] The Rise of Worse is Better https://dreamsongs.com/RiseOfWorseIsBetter.html