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There's a reason police don't just camp outside of restaurants that serve alcohol and arrest every single person that comes out and starts their car's engine.

I doubt this mandate will survive the court of public opinion once this becomes adequately known.

> There's a reason police don't just camp outside of restaurants that serve alcohol and arrest every single person that comes out and starts their car's engine.

Why is that?

My guess it's mostly because police officers are over represented in drunk driving themselves?

Simple: You can't do anything if you buy the ire of most, if not all, residents and businesses in your jurisdiction.

Everyone likes to go out and eat and drink, and at least here in the US driving cars is just as much a way of life and thus a practical right as it is a legal privilege. Dining venues and residences generally are not in walking distance, and thus necessitates driving a car.

Drunk driving laws exist to police the particularly egregious offenders who end up causing or could cause harm, but the police know that if they try enforcing those laws on everyone they will quickly lose support from the people they need to protect and end up unable to enforce any law.

That's why police don't arrest restaurant goers and also why I suspect this mandate will immediately die once it becomes widely known.

My guess is that police officers hate paper work and this would generate a ton of paper work, court appearances etc.

My (European) opinion is the the best option here is really to provide public infrastructure (night buses etc) that enable the drunks to get home without driving.

Just pay cops $1000 (a fee taken from the drunkard) and cops will gladly do the paperwork and will use any opportunity to campout at parking lots nearest to pubs.

That is true, but if the cops get the proceeds from the fines they become just another gang pretty soon I'd suspect and lots of non drunk people would get the fine :)

Are they not yet another gand already? Can't we find a way to put them in to good use as they did in other countries?

In my backward state, police won't arrest someone coming out of a bar, no matter how drunk they are, unless someone calls to alert them. (bartenders are suppose to cut them off if they seem drunk, yeah right!)

However, the police will set up a "sobriety check" road stop, after warning you in the local newspaper where the checks will be! These road stops are usually off highway exit ramps far from any bars. So, yeah, too many cops drink and drive, I'm guessing.

I think you're right, but I'm wondering whether cars will be designed with this feature for that happens.

The article does a decent job of showing how "Fact Checkers" failed to spread knowledge, probably due to individual biases and a lack of diligence.

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