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Helen Toner, the Effective Altruist Who Sparked the Open AI Coup (smh.com.au)
4 points by hdk 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

At the risk of generalizing... These effective altruists seem inconsistent.

Why focus on threats which have upsides. Doesn't it make more sense to focus on things like disease, famine, war ect. Not really any first order upsides to these... (assuming unjust war)

Instead they go after the sexy stuff.

I could make the argument that they should all be librarians, teachers and nurses. We have massive shortages of 2/3 of these.

I'll wager one exceptional teacher has more magnitude of positive effects on the long term trajectory for mankind than any of these sexy non-profit roles.

Aren't the EA folks keen to make as much money as possible so they can fund society benefitting things without needing a return? So then they should be 100% open to maximizing earning so they can help the most folks.

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