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I'm not the OP, but you realize that implying they were looking at the kids as spouses for themselves is extremely creepy right?

(Not that I agree with what the OP said either - I think most people have a protective instinct towards all children without thinking of them as potential spouses for their own offspring. We see this behavior in other primates too, eg: https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2021/mountain-gorillas-ad... )

I think you've misread me. My point was the guy seemed to be suggesting some general human tendency towards extreme self-interest but then used personal pronouns ("I think to myself"). Not that people are generally seeking child brides. If you look at the position of the word "myself" your interpretation does not really fit.

No, as can be seen by the other comments in this thread the use of "myself" there is entirely appropriate.

He is using personal pronouns consistently: "myself" and "my children". "Their" children is the other children he is observing, and he is thinking to himself.

Then again given your bizarre reading of my post how much should I really trust your interpretation.

What you have linked me to is not what it means but an association many people have. It will say so on that very page if you scroll up.

Sure, but everybody generalizes from one example. Well, at least I do.

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