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"Well, shit.": or, When It's OK to Give Up (nosweaters.com)
4 points by dclowd9901 on April 13, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

OP, you said you won't pivot, but why not pivot slightly? This appears to be the perfect time to try to take the best of what you wrote, modify the parts that need work even if it results in something only slightly different. For example, instead of bands/music- how about politicians or something else that has polls you could mine from various places? Politics are going to be a big deal shortly at least in the U.S. with the next election, and you could be on top of it.

Why not reach out to them and see if you can both collaborate? Perhaps they can use some of the tech you've build or you guys can find a way to work together...?

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