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At the end of the day, you should be having fun. I lost sight of that for a long time and wrote a lot of software that I thought would make money (it didn't), but I hated working on. This led to me falling out of love with software for a long while.

It's only in the past few months that I've really come to love it again. Between my day job at Mozilla, working on ridiculously fun optimizations, and a startup that went from no code to a damn near fully functional product in a week and a half (including the time it took to build the framework that the product itself is built on!), I've been having a blast. I forgot how fun it can be to just dive in and make shit work, and do it in the way I think will work best. I spent years over-thinking my development, with nothing to show for it; a couple months of coding with reckless abandon and I'm happier and more productive than I've been in damn near a decade.

Stop hating life, go have fun.

How do you get a day-job with Mozilla optimizing code (or do you mean writing optimizers and optimizations?)?

So, most of what I do is optimizing the graphics stack on Boot2Gecko (Mozilla's new mobile OS). That ranges from coming up with new techniques to offload work to the GPU to digging deep into code to find slow portions and optimize them until my fingers bleed. As for how I got it, a friend on the team prodded me and told me about the project, and during the interview process they found out that I had fairly deep knowledge of graphics optimization, and it just went from there.

There's always stuff to speed up in gecko, and mozilla has a jobs page! :)

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