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> Apparently, OpenAI's bylaws do not set a fixed size for the board and allow the board itself to elect and remove members and allows a simple majority to take any action without even requiring a formal meeting.

For their sake I do hope they read the bylaws and that your 'apparently' doesn't come back to haunt them because then they are in even more trouble.

> The path forward has to include not only all 4 of the current board members resigning but a change in bylaws to establish a larger board with a balance of insiders and outsiders and much clearer operating procedures.

Amen to that. It might even end with the removal of the oversight board and the whole non-profit construct.

If not removal then at least a clear split into two separate (for-profit and non-profit) entities with no parent-sub relationship. Then have an agreement where the for-profit entity commits to a specified funding level for the non-profit in exchange for a license to commercially use/resell the IP.

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