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Because given a choice, no one would want to do a startup in Seattle.

Seattle is a city of transplants who are only there because Amazon/MSFT brought them there.

It is a city that is enjoyed on a big tech lifestyle. Weekend get aways are amazing. The suburbs are nice as far as suburbs go. So the demographics that love seattle and ones that do startups are diametrically opposed to each other.

The city of Seattle itself lacks charm and appeal. The Scandinavian coldness merged with tech introversion makes it the loneliest tech city. Among tech cities, it has the worst weather (if I'm indoors all day, I want sun at will when I do go out).

I have lived in SF, Seattle, Boston and NYC. Seattle is easily the least "city" of the lot.

That being said, those same traits make Seattle an amazing 2nd location for a startup.

It's really funny to read your comment as I take a break from my job working for a startup in Seattle, a city I love for its charm, friendliness, and comfortable weather!

Seattle is known for being not-really-actually-friendly and lacking sunlight. A lot of people like the things it's missing!



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