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> There is no groundbreaking tech behind it.

This is false. Look at the chatbot arena leaderboard to see how GPT4-Turbo crushes the competition[1].

[1]: https://huggingface.co/spaces/lmsys/chatbot-arena-leaderboar...

crushes? sarcasm? Free Vicuna is 90% as good as the 100 Billion Dollar company made one. This makes my point.

And between Vicuna and GPT4-Turbo There are the Claude Models and WizardML. This is as even playing field as i've ever seen for the tech world.

When a $100B company gets to 2000, and the rest stay behind, thats when we know the tech has changed. Thats what OpenAI was hiring for. Not for anything they already gave Microsoft access to

If Microsoft wanted to get to 1100, they could do that with 50 smart hires from across the industry and universities. They don't need Sams teams $1M salaries for that

That's not how Elo scores work. A 120 point elo difference is a 66% win rate, which means you win 2:1. That means GPT4-Turbo wins twice as much as Vicuna. And even that isn't a fair comparison, since Elo isn't linear: it gets more and more challenging to go up in Elo as you go further and further.

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