"Very often websites that don't work without JavaScript have serious design/privacy issues, which better be fixed even if no one disabled scripts."
I'm not sure I understand your logic here. Many sites use javascript for advanced features not possible otherwise. I don't see how not working without javascript equates to privacy issues.
I don't see how not working without javascript equates to privacy issues.
Stuff like including Google's JavaScript by linking to Google's servers equates to privacy issues. The fact that some websites don't work (at all, don't even render) without external scripts is a design issue. These issues often come hand-in-hand, but no one said that one equates to the other.
Also, if your notion of "advanced features" includes rendering of text and images and working links, you might consider re-thinking it.
I'm not sure I understand your logic here. Many sites use javascript for advanced features not possible otherwise. I don't see how not working without javascript equates to privacy issues.