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At the point where the majority of employees have signed it I imagine it's much easier. Might even get a bit weird if you're one of a few holdouts

e: for what it's worth I thought it was a reasonable discussion point, not sure why you got downvoted on that one :(

It was a risky gambit for the first half of the signers. Was it not?

I have no idea what the process was for gathering the signatures, but one way to solve this problem is a mutual confidentiality pact that goes away with enough momentum. Ask people if they're willing to sign, but if you can't get 50% of the people to sign the document and all the signatures go away.

Similar things are done when doing anonymous 360 surveys in the workplace. If not enough people in a certain pool respond, the feedback doesn't get shared.

Oh aye for sure - All unions are risky to start with, that's why you gotta keep them quiet until you have overwhelming support

Is it really burning a bridge though if >90% of your coworkers (and even bosses) agree?

Lot harder for the first N employees at the front of the line.

Unless they promised to withhold the letter until 50% signed.

Also I have enough savings and my skills are in demand enough that I wouldn’t consider signing such a letter much of a risk. The researchers at openAI are likely a good deal more in demand than I am.

While the financial future is significantly less certain than it was a week ago, many of those employees have RSU-equivalents potentially worth FU money. Even if you are going to land on your feet, it is still making a statement to walk away from that payday.

If you believe that your profit share is going to be worth much much more with the current board gone, then threatening to walk away to force them to resign isn’t really walking away from much.

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