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I'm impolite because I'm annoyed and I'm annoyed because browsers by default automatically adapt text layout to the window size, and you have somehow purposefully broken this mechanism. Victory of design over functionality.

What's more, YOU are now asking ME to inconvenience myself in order to fix YOUR bug. Sorry, no-go.

[Your page is not the only one offender, but you're the first author I have the opportunity to tell this to directly.]

"browsers by default automatically adapt text layout to the window size"

That is not a browser default. That is fluid vs fixed. Check out smashing magazine for some articles on how that works in HTML/CSS if you're curious.

"fix YOUR bug"

Me not wanting to support people with 800px wide browsers is not a bug. It's a decision. Much like major companies no longer want to support IE users.

> That is not a browser default. That is fluid vs fixed.

Nitpicking. Fluid is default unless you change it. Fixed layouts belong to fixed media, such as PDFs formatted for a particular paper size. [with them I have no problem, and, incidentally. I have yet to run into a PDF that is not viewable in a window 800 pixels wide.]

> Me not wanting to support people with 800px wide browsers is not a bug.

In the same way that Excel 2003 having 64k row limit is not a "bug", but it's still unusable if you have a larger dataset. (From what I've seen on the net, newer versions support up to 1M rows; but the fundamental problem - arbitrary limitation - is still there.)

I really wonder how you would have replied had I written that I tried to read it on my phone or a tablet.

> I really wonder how you would have replied had I written that I tried to read it on my phone or a tablet.

I use media-queries. It looks different on iPhone for example

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