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Waiting for US govt to enter the chat. They can't let OpenAI squander world-leading tech and talent; and nationalizing a nonprofit would come with zero shareholders to compensate.

> They can't let OpenAI squander world-leading tech and talent

Where is OpenAI talent going to go?

There's a list and everyone on that list is a US company.

Nothing to worry about.

The issue is not that talent will defect, but that it will spoil into an unproductive vortex.

If it was nationalised all the talent would leave anyway, as the government can't pay close to the compensation they were getting.

You are maybe mistaking nationalization for civil servant status. The government routinely takes over organizations without touching pay (recent example: Silicon Valley Bank)

Ehh I don't think SVB is an apt comparison. When the FDIC takes control of a failing bank, the bank shutters. Only critical staff is kept on board to aid with asset liquidation/transference and repay creditors/depositors. Once that is completed, the bank is dissolved.

While it is true that the govt looks to keep such engagements short, SVB absolutely did not shutter. It was taken over in a weekend and its branches were open for business on Monday morning. It was later sold, and depositors kept all their money in the process.

Maybe for another, longer lived example, see AIG.

The White House does have an AI Bill of Rights and the recent executive order told the secretaries to draft regulations for AI.

It is a great time to be a lobbyist.

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