One thing I really liked about Replit is being able to spin up a public website really quickly and just 'code in production'. It's really great for one off projects/demos, I think they've removed that from the free plan now though.
I built my own self-hosted Replit 'clone' for replicating that specific use case but under my control. I mapped a wildcard subdomain to my server and wrote a web IDE and backend using Docker's REST API and Openresty to spin up quick projects that are publicly accessible. It works really well for me, I haven't open sourced it because I don't know if anyone else would want it though.
Before dropping code you could do a series of blog posts on how all the pieces fit together. Those could generate some signal, to know of the next steps are worth it.
I don't need that specific use case but I do love seeing the tricks folk do with Docker. Maybe all you have to share is a readme and compose yaml?
I built my own self-hosted Replit 'clone' for replicating that specific use case but under my control. I mapped a wildcard subdomain to my server and wrote a web IDE and backend using Docker's REST API and Openresty to spin up quick projects that are publicly accessible. It works really well for me, I haven't open sourced it because I don't know if anyone else would want it though.