There are still people that swear that they can brake better than ABS. Until they do a side-by-side test.
Re: custom UnmarshalJson implementation - you still have to remember, and do it for every serialized format (e.g. sql).
A default case in a switch only solves, well, switching. If a rogue value comes in, it will go out somewhere. E.g. json to sql or whatever things are moving.
> A default case in a switch only solves, well, switching. If a rogue value comes in, it will go out somewhere. E.g. json to sql or whatever things are moving.
I mean, yeah, but eventually you have to do something with it. And the only useful thing you can really do with an enum is switch on it...
Re: custom UnmarshalJson implementation - you still have to remember, and do it for every serialized format (e.g. sql).
A default case in a switch only solves, well, switching. If a rogue value comes in, it will go out somewhere. E.g. json to sql or whatever things are moving.