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"The Go monorepo is the largest codebase at Uber, comprising 90 million lines of code (and growing)"

Is this just a symptom of having a lot of engineers and they keep churning code, Golang being verbose or something else. Hard time wrapping my head around Uber needing 90+ million lines of code(!). What would be some large components of this codebase look like?

Imagine a multidimensional matrix with various payment methods, local regulations, cloud providers, third party dependencies, web/mobile platforms, etc. Then also add more dimensions for internal things like accounting, hiring, payroll, promotions, compliance, security, monitoring, etc. Then double it for Uber Eats or whatever.

There's a lot of overlap and some invalid combinations, but you're still left with a huge number of combinations where Uber must simply work. And every time you add a new thing to this list, the total number of combinations grows polynomially.

(Also, Go is slightly more verbose than most languages. I think that's a feature and not a bug, but it's one more reason.)

Dang, a little more verbose? Understatement of a lifetime. It's fine, if you like it not whatever, but it is quite a bit more verbose than many languages that I've used. My number 1 qualms go is with such simple building blocks requiring a bunch of redundant boiler plate. You're welcome to disagree with my opinion here.

A lot of people seems to gravitate toward languages with less dense cognitive load. I have learned to love kotlin, but its also a super dense set of syntax to power it's very expressive language.

Uber is famous for NIH syndrome. You can tell by their open source projects they've basically built every part of their infra from scratch. So it's not just the application code but everything else that helps run it.

I personally find uberFX to be a fantastic project. It isn't necessary for you to write golang with it, but it certainly does provide a great framework for organizing code so that you can ensure that writing tests is as easy as it can be.

Basically exactly this. Also, a lot of their "in production" open source projects are not "in production" but were generated and released as part of their broken promotion process.

Either genius or madness, you be the judge!

When you have thousands and thousands of engineers, and they are evaluated by how much code they produce, and they need to justify their job and continued employmwment, you end up with a 90M line codebase.

It is the nature of large systems to grow. As software engineers we build libraries to build libraries, we build tools on top of tools to check our tools.

still, having 3x the lines of code compared to the linux kernel is... weird.

From what I've heard from ex-FAANG, I'd wager that a significant portion of the Go is code-generated for things like RPC definitions or service skeletons.

They use bazel so generated rpc code is produced on the fly and is not checked in

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