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The photos show why every magic mouse I've had always wore funny with the 'right button' getting mushy. There's only one microswitch and the right one is just a leaf spring.

> There's only one microswitch

Classic Apple mouse design. They never change, do they?

Think about having one plane (the entire glass) pressing 2 microswitches. Debouncing one switch is hard enough, now you've got to debounce 2, and detect if the user was doing a really fast double click, or just pressed in the center of the mouse.

Debouncing buttons is a solved problem at all. Thinking that Apple is so good that they put the charging port out of a reason to the bottom but aren't able to debouce two buttons is silly.

The problem Apple created for themselves is staying true to their 'one mouse button' philosophy for too long and literally.

Why are you even buying that inferior hardware? Apple can’t do anything right, right?

It only needs one switch because it detects which button you're clicking by where you're pressing down on the surface.

I wasn't even aware that it could do right click. The magic mouses I had seen didn't want to do that.

you have to specifically turn it on in settings on macOS.

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