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You should be able to get bike insurance. I pay £7/month to insure mine, which is lot cheaper than car insurance!

Bike will get stolen anyway which is really annoying no matter the insurance. Not saying bike isn’t preferred to car, it’s just something I always consider.

I’ve got a bike AND a car, I still take the car on certain trips where the bike would make more sense logistically because it feels like 50/50 it’ll get stolen.

I live in SF and have two bikes (a road bike and a bike with a kid seat on the back), an eBike, and a car. I do lots of trips on my bike. When I am in a rush or need to go a bit farther or hillier than I feel comfortable on my bike, I often end up checking out an eBike. The fact that it's one-way is convenient but I also value that I don't have to worry about my bike getting stolen. The convenience and risk reduction is worth the few bucks to rent.

I almost never use my eBike. I prefer getting the exercise and the theft factor dissuades me from using it as a mode of transportation.

this is the way, by far my absolute favorite thing to see when visiting a city is a solid bike share program. they should be absolutely everywhere and heavily subsidized. Mexico City's version of this has been my favorite so far. the way you can get virtually anywhere in the city through a combo of Metro, bus, and bike all using the same card is excellent. It solves so many issues and uses the power of crowd funding to make it all work!

Some people "feel" like the chance of an accident driving a car is very high even when it isn't. If you "feel" like theft is very likely when it isn't, that is your problem. And I've had several bike stolen over the years (include being mugged with my bike) and it's taught me to take appropriate precautions to the point I feel fairly safe.

> And I've had several bike stolen over the years (include being mugged with my bike)

So, let me get this straight - it’s quite likely a bike gets stolen and this experience, as shared with me, has led you to take precautions.

My precaution being not taking the bike some times and to some places.

How many times have you have a car stolen over that same time period?

I've had two bikes stolen and one car stolen. I've had other attempts at stealing my bike. I've been in both bike accidents and car accidents over the years as well.

Anyway, your quote was "it feels like 50/50 it’ll get stolen". It just seems problematic mixing what you feel and some objective probability - it's easy to give people the impression the chance of bike theft is actually that. I mean, say "I'm afraid - here are the actual odds..."

Damn. If it's really 50/50 then that is bad!

It's not, OP was wildly exaggerating.

I can emphasize “feels”, but if you’ve ever parked a moderately expensive bike in a dense city center for a few hours you know the feeling. Especially if you’ve had a few stolen. If not the bike, the saddle. If not the saddle a wheel. If not the wheel the battery. Etc etc. It’s all really annoying trying to get home not matter the insurance.

I had two strollers stolen from my backyard while at home last year… it’s kinda crazy over here!

Sounds like a secure storage infrastructure problem.

In a way it is (and also a humanity problem).

It would be great if a bunch of car parkings could be converted to secure bike storage spots.

My coparent had her bike stolen. It was parked at her work - a government building. In front of the security office with a window facing the bike racks, and security cameras on them.

The cameras were not operational, the police did nothing but take the report.

I have had two very securely locked bikes stolen in years past. They were left in what turned out to be a vulnerable place for long periods of time. Depending on your habits it is a matter of when, not if. If you only take the bike to select locations for short periods or keep it out of sight, this does not apply to you.

None of this implies that you have a 50% chance of your bike being stolen every time you take it out.

depends what does 50/50 refers to?

If it is the probability of having it stolen after one year I would say it is pretty accurate in big metros like San Francisco or Denver.

This is much less common in the US. So much so, that I have never heard of bike only general theft insurance. Here is the top hit for "US bike insurance" https://velosurance.com/road-bike-insurance/. In this case theft coverage is only extended to "secure locations".

Also if you don’t have bike insurance and your E-bike gets stolen, you may be able to claim it on your renters insurance

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