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What a filmmaker learned from taking flat earthers seriously (2018) (gq.com)
2 points by hhs 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

"Why is it dark in some places when the Sun has risen?"

If the Sun is above the edge of the Earth, then there will be light ("daytime") everywhere at the same time.

>I hope people stop putting flat earthers into this huge group and just say they’re idiots, that they’re dumb and we should just throw them off the edge. If you don’t have a conversation with them, and call them stupid, that only entrenches them in their belief. You want a society that can accept and trust science, but science needs to do a better job of communicating, and people need to be a little more accepting of other people’s beliefs, and not be so black and white about right and wrong.

This acceptance nonsense needs to go. Flat earth people have a mental illness that nicely fits the definition of idiot. Accept them for what they are and move forward with life.

I was just speaking about something similar with my son. I told him he'll learn who he should and should not correct or try to teach because not everyone wants to learn and most people don't like to be corrected. Add in misinformation and feelings based judgements about "truth" and flat earthers are not the kind of people who are looking to be convinced they are wrong.

I'm not saying I wouldn't discuss things with a flat earther, but I wouldn't feel bad if any attempt to find common ground so we both benefit from the conversation ends up obviously futile.


"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It only wastes your time and annoys the pig." - Heinlein

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