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The flaw in your argument is that what's "readable" changes dramatically over time. Once a programmer has used it enough times, "mtx" will be every bit as readable as "mutex". The brain readily tokenizes what it's seen before. Thus the case for plain-English-readability in code is limited to programmers who are not yet familiar with a notation – not a strong general case. We ought to have learned this from COBOL and every other attempt to make programming languages be like natural language.

Code is read more often than it is written, therefore one ought to optimise for reading

But by the same logic, code is read more often by people who know the language and most often by people who have been working on the program for a while, so they are the ones we should optimize for. The readability test that matters for maintaining a complex system over time is hardly "can someone unfamiliar with both the language and the program dive in to any random function and make out what it's doing". So why is that the standard always held up in discussion?

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