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This has been going on for hours at this point and it took Google / Firebase way to long to announce this as an incident.

As of now, authentication is down and firestore read / writes are not working.

It seems the majority of zones are affected too:

Taiwan (asia-east1)Hong Kong (asia-east2)Tokyo (asia-northeast1)Osaka (asia-northeast2)Seoul (asia-northeast3)Mumbai (asia-south1)Delhi (asia-south2)Singapore (asia-southeast1)Jakarta (asia-southeast2)Sydney (australia-southeast1)Melbourne (australia-southeast2)Multi-region: eur3Warsaw (europe-central2)London (europe-west2)Frankfurt (europe-west3)Netherlands (europe-west4)Zurich (europe-west6)Paris (europe-west9)GlobalDoha (me-central1)Tel Aviv (me-west1)Multi-region: nam5Montréal (northamerica-northeast1)Toronto (northamerica-northeast2)São Paulo (southamerica-east1)South Carolina (us-east1)Northern Virginia (us-east4)Oregon (us-west1)Los Angeles (us-west2)Salt Lake City (us-west3)Las Vegas (us-west4)

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