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You haven’t addressed the chief, highest rated comment in the original thread: what about the fact this dataset was generated by scraping LinkedIn in violation of that site’s ToS, and the generates a liability?

To be frank, we and others interpreted that entire thread as resolved and didn't need addressing. Scraping is clearly a grey area of the law. This is all public data.

- https://techcrunch.com/2022/04/18/web-scraping-legal-court/ - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HiQ_Labs_v._LinkedIn - https://www2.staffingindustry.com/Editorial/IT-Staffing-Repo...

Did you read your own links? The HiQ labs decision in favor of scraping was vacated by the Supreme Court and then settled. Not a clear cut case law, but definitely ended on LinkedIn’s terms.

Yes. This was because HiQ was creating fake accounts to scrape member profiles, which was deemed to be in violation of the TOS.

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