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GPT4's "knowledge" is broad, but not deep. The current generation of LLM's have no clue when it comes to things like intent or actual emotion. They will always pick the most obvious (and boring) choice. There is a big gap between excellent mimicry and true intelligent thought.

As a developer you don't need to know how they work, you just need to be able to wield their power. Should be easy enough if you can read and understand the code it produces (with or without it's help).

Horses don't play a part in this; programmers are generally not simple beasts that can only do one thing. I'm sure plenty of horse drivers became car drivers and those that remained found something else to do in what remained of the horse business.

Assuming we do get AI that can do more than just fool those who did not study them, do you really think programmers will be the first to go? By the time our jobs are on the line, so many other jobs will have been replaced that UBI is probably the only logical way to go forward.

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