Error handling in Oberon is as good as in Go, if error boilerplate all over the place.
Docker was originally developed in Python, and pivoted to Go because of Google.
Likewise Kubernetes started in Java, and pivoted to Go when some Go folks joined the team.
Had it not been for it, Go would have been as sucessful as Inferno/Limbo, which are highly inspired by Oberon, including its market failure.
Error handling in Oberon is as good as in Go, if error boilerplate all over the place.
Docker was originally developed in Python, and pivoted to Go because of Google.
Likewise Kubernetes started in Java, and pivoted to Go when some Go folks joined the team.
Had it not been for it, Go would have been as sucessful as Inferno/Limbo, which are highly inspired by Oberon, including its market failure.