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'Rocket Lease is me saying that 40k a year would be life changing for me'

I really don't get this line of thinking. I'm assuming the author isn't a programmer as otherwise I don't see how 40k a year would be an acceptable or life changing amount of money, and, if he isn't, then why not learn to code? Or maybe I'm just missing something and the intent is this is only a part-time project that doesn't take up much time so any money it makes is just extra (and 40k extra per year would be welcome by most people I'm sure).. honestly I'm curious, as while I have an interest in entrepreneurship, the potential payoff would have to be fairly high as being able to simply work as a programmer for others already provides a fairly decent quality of life.

I am guessing he means that $40k would enable him to work on his own stuff for a year instead of having to get a job.

I've been self employed for a bit over a year, and I'm paying the bills but make maybe 1/3-1/2 of what I used to when I was working as a programmer for someone else - working on my own things in my own time is a premium that's worth the lower "salary" for me.

Additionally, going into business yourself gives you a chance for a much higher payback in the long run (you're probably not going to make more than $200k/year inflation-adjusted as a programmer, but you could still make millions in a few years as a small business owner).

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