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While I love Love Hulténs creations I think the article (and headline) does not emphasize enough the origin of these ferrofluid visualizers: https://www.burnslap.me/26

This specific format maybe but it's been around for a while hasn't it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBr5fcHILLM

In fairness, the author does explicitly mention DAKD Jung as the inspiration in the fourth paragraph - it's the third video down.

It's clear to me that the reason this article exists is the opinion that the sum of Love's craftmanship and ferrofluid visualization is greater than its parts.

Agreed. I am curious how good Hulténs’ visualizers are. IIRC there was a good deal of engineering that went into Dakd Jung’s to make it stand the test of time and plenty of experiments on audio response across genres. Specifically, I recall Dakd Jung saying that they spent a lot of time on a glass coating for the inside of the bottle because eventually the particles begin to stick to the glass.

We should also name the artist, DAKD JUNG. He also sells audio visualizers based on this concept

Well now I want one, thanks a lot.

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