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Why do you hate saying it? Thought crime guilt?

Thoughtcrime on HN would be assuming Google actually does good and provides value. Wanting FAANG companies to be broken up, by violence if necessary, is such a common opinion here it's banal.

But only the FAANG that have failed to properly market this month - Meta is currently in favor (or at least out of weekly rant cycle), Apple and Microsoft have managed to spend enough on marketing lately to be spared the bile floodgates of HN with Google being its usual incompetent self.

But the pendulum will shift again.

(The core of my annoyance here isn't ranting over FAANGs, but the fact that any kind of suggestion of systemic fixes immediately brings out libertarians accusing us of trying to undermine poor economy.)

Google provides value but its monopoly provides less value than what would have been created by a multiple of companies freely competing in an open market.

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